Covid 19

Updated Safety Protocols at Xceptional Dental


We’re protecting our patients & team

We are excited to be seeing patients with deferred and preventative dental care. Safety has always been and continues to be our prime concern. To ensure your safety and well-being, we have redesigned and implemented a number of new operational procedures and equipment. Coming to our practice is likely safer than going to the supermarket!


What We Have Been Doing

Xceptional Dental has remained open for urgent care, but deferred other dental care to conserve PPE for our hospitals treating COVID-19 patients and protect our community. We are now well prepared and trained for your safety and the safety of our team members.

Our office has always utilized Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that has met or exceeded all CDC guidelines. In light of the COVID-19 Pandemic, we have instituted the following special protocols to ensure everyone’s safety:

  • Pre-appointment telephone conversation to ensure each patient is symptom-free and healthy
  • ‘Red Door Service’ to guide you from your car directly to your treatment room
  • Hand sanitizers are positioned throughout the dental clinic for convenient use
  • Face masks required of all patients prior to entering the dental office - if you don’t have a mask, please ask and we’ll give you one
  • Before appointments, hand washing or sanitizing is required of team members and patients
  • Reception area divided by a Safety Shield of plexiglass
  • Upon arrival, all patients will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms and have bodytemperature scanned
  • All team members will have COVID-19 symptom screening daily and have temperature scans at the beginning & middle of each day
  • Enhanced operatory disinfection of surfaces & equipment between patients
  • Ambiant air management with HEPA medical-grade air filtration throughout office
  • Additional PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) in the form of visors, gowns & N-95 masks to provide a barrier against the smallest of germs
  • Introduction of protocols and special Airborne Infection Removal system to eliminate release of aerosols during dental treatment
  • Enhanced nightly disinfection of equipment and surfaces
  • Wider spacing of appointment times for team members to accomplish the postappointment tasks and duties in the safest and most comprehensive manner


Phone / Text: 619-223-6767 or click below to schedule your next appointment.