If your dental restorations seem to be wearing out sooner rather than later it could have something to do with your bite. More specifically, it could be TMJD or temporomandibular joint disorder.
Improper Restoration Wear and TMJD
According to Xceptional Dental temporomandibular joints, the joints that hinge your jaws together have everything to do with the way your teeth come together.
Called temporomandibular joint disorder or TMJD this debilitating condition will eventually wear teeth down from constant grinding. In addition those with TMJD also find themselves with cracked and chipped teeth along with broken dental restorations.
Tooth Wear Bite and TMJD
If you or someone you know has bruxism, chronic tooth grinding, you already know how hard it is on natural teeth. While natural teeth are as strong as bones they have a hard time dealing with bruxism. Dr. Janette Larsen has seen what chronic grinding does to both natural teeth and dental restorations.
To keep your restorations in check a thorough examination of your chewing system is needed to determine if your temporomandibular joint or bite is to blame for anything going on with your smile.
For instance, if you in constant need of replacements for crowns or veneers there is definitely something going on. Why, because dental crowns, veneers and other types of dental restorations last for 7 to 10 years with good care.
If you are good with oral hygiene and eat a healthy diet you must schedule an appointment with Xceptional Dental for a thorough examination.
Checking Out Your Chewing System
A good dentist in San Diego does more than examine teeth and gums. A proactive San Diego dentist will also check out your chewing system.
Your chewing system consists of your tongue, muscles, nerves, tendons and your entire oral cavity. When you have a healthy chewing system your dental restorations really can last for a decade or more with good care.
Good care means examining your chewing system regularly during dental checkups, twice yearly professional cleanings and of course twice daily brushing and flossing. In addition use an antiseptic mouth rinse to keep bacteria at bay.
Dental Appointments in San Diego
If you would like to learn more about your chewing system and your bite send a direct message.
Xceptional Dental will be able to determine if TMJD is the cause of your issues. Moreover, Dr. Larsen will be able to plan a blueprint for your healthy smile.
Schedule an appointment with your San Diego dentist today.